Saturday, August 1, 2009



Potato - 250g
Onion - 1nos
Green peas - 100g
Beans - 100g
Carrot - 100g
Beetroot - 100 g
Cabbage = 100g
Green Chilly -3 nos
Ginger- 1nos
Curry leaves - 1nos
Mustard - 1tsp
Oil - 2tbs

To Prepare vegetable mixCook potato and green peas and keep aside.Cooke beans,carrot,beetroot and,cabbage by steaming.Cut the onion into small pieces and add oil to a frying pan along with green chilly and curry leaves and fry it till it become light brown colour,add small pieces of ginger and fry it wellAdd oil to a hot frying pan and crack the mustard.Mix the fried onion with the aready cooked beans,carrot,beetroot and,cabbage.Add smashed potato and green peas to this mix .Add salt to taste.Cover the frying pan and cook it for 5 minutes under minimum flame.Prepare thin dosa in the same way as Masla Dosa.Keep 2 or 3 tbl spoon of vegetable mix to this dosha and roll it over.

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